Business games for serious educators


Get your business students job-ready.
Add an award-winning business simulation into your curriculum.

Simulations to match your syllabus

Assure students are learning

Easy to setup and manage

Use competition to fire up the learning process

Our simulations continuously raise the bar through head-to-head competition. As they build businesses, undergraduate and MBA students create a unique learning environment. They challenge each other with smart, responsive decisions. To keep ahead, they must continuously apply knowledge in intricate ways, naturally developing skills and internalizing core business principles.

Help students internalize business knowledge
Equip them for tomorrow’s jobs

My job as an educator was transformed once I adopted Marketplace. I’ve never enjoyed teaching more than when I’m able to utilize a Marketplace business simulation as a teaching tool. With the variety of levels, modules, and computer and bicycle versions, I’ve used Marketplace to teach Intro Marketing, Marketing Management, MBA Marketing, and a Business Analytics Strategy class. Students really enjoy the engaging, value-added learning that accrues.

Ken Gehrt, San Jose State University

A family of visually rich business simulations

Marketplace Simulations is a family of over 30 marketing and business simulations designed for university business courses and executive business programs.

The teaching methodology behind the Marketplace business games was created by Dr. Ernest Cadotte, Fisher Professor of Marketing at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville.

Explore Dr. Cadotte’s published articles on the pedagogy behind educational business simulations and experiential learning.

I use marketplace simulations in every marketing class I teach. Everything in this simulation is best in class. The pedagogy. The rationale behind the game. The support team. The experience. I believe modern marketing fundamentals are taught best by doing, not just by lecture. The Marketplace Simulation experience reinforces what I teach in my classroom. Students in the game do everything real life marketers do, and they love competing against each other.

Thomas Elmer, West Chester University

This has been my best and most interesting business class I have taken my entire college career. I have never felt like I did so well in any of my other classes. And I also thought that I would never like a business class until I entered your class and had the opportunity to use Marketplace.

Melissa Martin, student, Bryant College

Best simulation I ever used in my many years teaching at Penn State, Nebraska, Drake, FIU and Southwestern University. Most missed aspect of my retirement. Marketplace seems to be the most memorable course mentioned by my previous students.

Ira Dolich, Southwestern University
Marketplace Business Simulation has helped achieve better education outcomes over 1,000,000 students worldwide and 120,000 students annually.

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  • 1,000,000+ Students since 2001
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